Map of Severe Gender-Based Violence in Mainland China
About the Project
What is "Map of Severe Gender-Based Violence in Mainland China"?
This is a crowdsourcing cartographic project that documents and maps severe gender-based violence (GBV) in mainland China.
The map can be accessed here:
This map relies on users to submit reports of GBV. This is vital to the success of this project for two reasons: 1) China is a huge populated country and 2) oftentimes the only way to know that a crime happens is to constantly monitor and backup posts on social media, because officially released data (such as police reports and the open legal database "China Judgements Online") are not transparent or not trustworthy.

What is Gender-Based Violence? How do you define "severe" ?
Gender-based Violence (GBV) is any act that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life” (United Nations, 1995, Platform for Action D.112).
Because we found very few cases of feminicides, and on the other hand, gender-based violence is extremely broad, we decided to copy the approach of The Initium’s report and focus on severe gender-based violence, including sexual assaults, human trafficking, imprisonment, and violence causing severe bodily injury or death that is related to gender: e.g. hegemonic masculinity, gender inequality, misogyny, etc (Wang et al 2019). Because there is almost always a lack of trustworthy information, we automatically categorize all violence against women in domestic and intimate settings as GBV. For other cases, there is an option in the survey to report the case as “Suspected gender-based violence but not confirmable/confirmed due to a lack of information.”

What is the purpose of the project?
The map of severe GBV in mainland China first and foremost is about witnessing and remembering each victim and the violence and injustices they suffered. We also aim to raise awareness about the public dimension of gender-based violence, as well as the systematic injustices on this matter. We want to help campaigning for better legislation on GBV, more transparency in legal information, more freedom of the press when it comes reporting GBV. We also want this project to be useful for gender and sex education, or at least for raising the awareness of its extreme inadequacy.
User Manual
Submit a report on a gender-based violence case:
1. Go to
2. Press the yellow "+" button.
3. Fill in the report and click "Submit" button.
4. Your report will be reviewed to make sure it is accurate before being published.
How to nagivate the map:
1. Go to and make sure you are on the map by selecting "Map" on the panel to the left.
2. Click "Sort & Filter" above the map.
3. In order to see the cases under a category, you have to unselect all the other categories. If you select multiple categories, you will see the cases that fall under at least of the categories rather than the cases that fall under all these categories.
4. Click "close and vew results" button at the bottom.
5. Use mouse scroll to zoom in or out. Click on a data point on the map to see the details.
Map of Feminicides in Mexico
Crowdmap version (Ushahidi):

The Initium's report on Gender-Based Killings in Mainland China in 2022:

China Judgements Online (open legal database)

Useful Websites